Mutt The Famous French Bulldog Wold War 1 War Dog

War is a terrible thing but having a French Bulldog in the trenches made it more bearable for some brave soldiers during World War 1. There is a famous French Bulldog World War 1 that went by the name of Mutt.  Mutt was a Frenchie solider, a “War Dog”, and was a part of a YMCA cigarette dog delivery service during WW1. ‘Mutt’ was known as a “trench runner.’   He was a brave French Bulldog that delivered cigarettes, comfort, and Frenchie smiles to the soldiers risking their lives battling for their country.

World War 1 French Bulldog

Mutt was a valiant solider wounded twice yet still sticking to his duties.  He spent most of World War 1 boosting the spirits of the 11th Engineers. You can see him in the photo above with cigarettes strapped to his back bravely carrying supplies to the soldiers.  Mutt is part of the rich history of French Bulldogs.  

Check Out This Video Of Mutt The Famous French Bulldog World War 1 War Dog Shown Here Carrying Cartons of Cigarettes To The Troops

Life After War For Mutt The French Bulldog of World War 1

(Photo care of  War Dogs: A  History of Loyalty & Heroism)

When the war came to a conclusion these furry trench-running mascots were usually left behind but that wasn’t the case for Mutt.  He was bound for more adventure!  When the soldiers left to go home one soldier who was fond of Mutt took the risk to smuggle him onboard the sea vessel to bring him home.  When Mutt was discovered, the ship captain threatened to throw him overboard.  Mutt’s savior defended him and said they would have to throw him overboard along with his beloved Frenchie. Mutt returned safely to New York and lived out the rest of his life on US soil a World War 1 hero.  Thanks for all you did Mutt!  

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