Is Turmeric Good for Dogs?

Turmeric is a spice that has been used in countries like India for many centuries. It is most commonly used to make curries, but you can also find it in tea and other dishes. It is made from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, and it comes from India. Turmeric can be found at grocery stores around the world, but what is so great about it?

Because of its long history of use, many people believe that turmeric is good for dogs. However, there are some safety concerns with giving your dog this spice regularly. In this article, we will explore the safety considerations of using turmeric and provide some tips on how you can safely give your dog this spice if you choose to do so.

How is Turmeric Grown?

Turmeric comes from the Curcuma longa plant.  This plant is a member of the ginger family. It grows well in wet soil conditions and can grow up to one meter in height. It requires a lot of sunlight to grow properly, so the plant must get at least ten hours of sun per day.

Turmeric doesn’t take too well to transplant, so it is best to plant your turmeric in its final location and start caring for the plant when it is still young.

It is best to grow turmeric in soil rich in organic matter, so you should add some compost or aged manure when planting. It should be planted in moist, well-drained soil and can be watered regularly without overwatering it.

Turmeric is susceptible to fungal diseases, so you should keep the soil moist and avoid watering it too much. You can also use a fungicide if your plants are showing signs of infection.

Turmeric takes about three to four months before it can be harvested, and you should make sure that your plant is mature enough before you harvest it.

turmeric root

What are the Active Ingredients in Turmeric?

The main active ingredient in Turmeric is Curcumin. It is thought to be responsible for many of its health benefits. Curcumin has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It is also thought to be a natural painkiller because it blocks cyclooxygenase enzymes that cause inflammation in the body.

Turmeric also contains two other compounds, ar-turmerone and curcuminoids, which are thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with this spice.
Ar-turmerone is thought to have antibiotic properties, while curcuminoids are known for being anti-inflammatory.

Curcumin itself cannot be absorbed when taken orally, but black pepper extract makes up for this deficiency, making the supplement more effective when ingested.

Forms of Turmeric

Turmeric can be found:
• Fresh
• Dried
• Powder
• Capsule
Turmeric has also attracted attention from those seeking alternative natural options outside of what is currently available on pharmacies shelves; these individuals can now enjoy all that this yellow root has to offer by easily incorporating it into their diet.

french bulldog treat

Is Turmeric Dog Good For Dogs?

According to several studies, turmeric is a dog-friendly spice since it doesn’t have any known negative effects. However, the same studies also mention that dogs should have the right dosage of turmeric in their diet since it can cause problems with blood clotting, which is why you should consult your veterinarian before adding turmeric to your dog’s diet.

What is the Correct Dosage of Turmeric for Dogs?

For example, if you have a large dog, like German Shepherds, they typically need much stronger doses to see the same effects as smaller breeds. This is because bigger dogs weigh more and produce less discharge than, say, Chihuahua’s do – leading many vets to recommend higher dosage amounts since this will help them feel better faster (and who doesn’t want their pet feeling great).  French Bulldogs definitely fall into the smaller dog category.

Many people think that all dogs should take turmeric extract but what kind of dose would provide benefits? The answer lies within how these different species can process toxins differently, which means some may require lower dosages while others won’t receive any ill effect from using too much compound at once.

Turmeric is not a strong-tasting spice, nor does it have any particular smell, so you can easily mask it in your dog’s food. If you are unsure how much to give your dog, always ask your vet the big question: Is tumeric good for dogs? Can dogs have turmeric? Can dogs eat turmeric?

What are the Benefits of Giving Turmeric to Dogs

Turmeric can improve your dog’s health in many different ways, but it is important that you follow instructions and consult a vet before giving your dog turmeric and if you have any more questions.

Keeps Joints Healthy

Turmeric is a very healthy spice and can be used to keep your dog’s joints healthy, which benefits its mobility. Healthy joints are important for your dog’s quality of life, so adding them to their diet can help them live a happy and comfortable lifestyle.

Antioxidants Properties

Turmeric provides an array of antioxidants, which are important for fighting off free radicals in the body. The beneficial properties help fight diseases like cancer and heart disease because they combat gum tissue growth with defensive measures to keep our cells healthy!

Antioxidants found naturally within turmeric provide an added shield against harmful aggressors such as pesky bacteria or improving your skin tone thanks to its vitamin A content.

Nausea Helper

Turmeric can also be very helpful for dogs suffering from nausea. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help soothe the stomach and promote digestive health, which can benefit animals suffering from nausea. Turmeric may also help with allergies in dogs since it can block enzymes involved in the inflammatory pathway. It may be helpful for some food intolerance cases as well.

Heart Health Benefits

One of the many benefits that turmeric has for humans is also applicable to dogs. It can help reduce cholesterol levels and maintain heart health, just as it does in people.
Turmeric helps keep your pup’s blood vessels healthy so they don’t develop any problems with circulation or blockages down the line, which may lead them to have a stroke.

Brain Functioning

Turmeric is also known to improve your dog’s brain functioning and memory too. This helps your pet stay mentally sharp. The ingredient in turmeric responsible for improving brain performance is curcumin. It works by removing dangerous free radicals in the brain, which prevents degenerative diseases.

Anti- Inflammatory

Turmeric can be used to reduce inflammation and maintain a good digestive system. It may be helpful for certain animals who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions. It does this by helping to block enzymes that produce inflammation in the body. It can also help reduce tissue swelling and may be helpful for certain skin conditions, such as dermatitis.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Turmeric has anti-cancer properties and may be helpful for some dogs with cancer, especially if they are undergoing chemotherapy. It can also help slow tumor growth and prevent metastasis (when cancer spreads to other organs). The active ingredient curcumin helps fight cancer by blocking enzymes that produce inflammation. It can also help kill cancer cells and prevent them from spreading through the body.

Turmeric for Dogs with Arthritis

Arthritis is another condition where turmeric may be helpful for dogs. The active ingredient curcumin helps fight arthritis by blocking certain proteins in the body, producing pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Another potential use for turmeric in dogs is as a digestive aid and preventative measure against colorectal cancer. It can help kill bad bacteria, leading to an upset stomach, bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation. This will also benefit the immune system by reducing inflammation throughout the body and protecting against certain diseases and infections.

Turmeric for Dogs with Cancer

So, if your dog is having cancer treatment, you may want to consider adding some turmeric to their diet as well. This can help reduce cancer symptoms and the side effects that are often brought on by chemotherapy drugs. It will also boost the immune system, which helps fight cancer cells in the body.

Turmeric for Dogs with Skin Issues

It can also be used as a skin treatment to relieve certain types of dermatitis. This is because it has strong anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, which make it great at killing bad bacteria that cause dandruff, itching, or other forms of irritation on the surface of your dog’s skin. It helps improve your dog’s overall skin health when you apply it as a paste.

Turmeric may also be helpful for dogs with arthritis or cancer as a preventative measure, even if they are not currently showing symptoms of the disease. It will reduce inflammation and strengthen their immune system to fight off certain diseases before they become an issue. This is especially important in older dogs who have lived longer than average.

Turmeric is a powerful spice that has so many beneficial properties for dogs and can be used to treat or prevent a variety of conditions from cancer, inflammation-related diseases, digestive issues, and even skin problems. This makes it a perfect addition to your dog’s diet every day.

turmeric pills for dogs

How to Give Turmeric to Dogs

Since most of these medicinal properties are linked to compounds found in turmeric, you might be wondering how to give your dog this spice. There are different recipes that you can incorporate turmeric into your dog’s food with, such as:

• Adding turmeric powder to their food.
• Mixing it with a juice, such as a rosehip or an apple.
• Making turmeric chips for dogs.
• Adding turmeric to your dog’s water.

Some supplements contain turmeric, which you can find at your local pet store.

Here Are Some Turmeric Products For Dogs Available

Amazing Turmeric For Dogs Curcumin Pet Antioxidant

Click Here To Learn More About This Turmeric Product


Zesty Paws Turmeric Curcumin

Click Here To Learn More About This Turmeric Treat Product


Turmeric for Dogs – Anti Inflamatory For Dogs

Click Here To Learn More About This Turmeric Anti Inflammatory Product


How to make Turmeric Paste for Dogs

Turmeric paste is one of the most common ways to give your dog this spice. It is great for dogs with skin problems, arthritis, or cancer. All you have to do is mix one part turmeric powder with three parts coconut oil and let it cool in the fridge.

Apply this mixture on your dog’s skin daily to help relieve symptoms.

Turmeric Paste Dosage for Dogs

Here is how much paste you should give to dogs, depending on their sizes.
• Small dogs should be given ½ teaspoon of turmeric paste.
• Medium dogs should be given one teaspoon of turmeric paste.
• Large dogs can have two teaspoons or more, depending on their size.

How to use Turmeric to Treat Dog’s Wounds

Turmeric can also be used to heal wounds and reduce swelling. It works as an antiseptic paste which is great for dogs with cuts, scrapes, and other skin irritation. To make the paste, you will need:
• Turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root
• Water

Mix the ingredients and store this mixture in a glass jar. Apply it to your dog’s skin every day until you see an improvement.

How to use Turmeric for Dog’s Digestion and Gas Problems or const

Turmeric can also be used as a digestive aid and preventative measure against colorectal cancer. It can help kill bad bacteria, leading to an upset stomach, bloating gas, diarrhea, or constipation. This will also benefit the immune system by reducing inflammation throughout the body and protecting against certain diseases and infections. You can use tumeric for dogs digestion by adding it to their food or drinks.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Turmeric in Dogs?

Turmeric can interact with some medications and supplements, so it is important to consult your vet before giving it to your dog. Bear in mind that turmeric can also cause problems with blood clotting.

If given at an appropriate dosage (and under supervision), there are generally no major risks associated with using turmeric other than mild GI upset such as vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, or increased thirst. However, if taken improperly (or excessively), some very serious adverse reactions may occur, including severe liver toxicity.

How to Tell Your Dog is Allergic to Turmeric

In extremely rare cases, dogs can react negatively to turmeric. You will be able to tell when they exhibit the following symptoms:

• Irritated skin, redness of the face and ears.
• Itchy paws caused by licking them.
• Unusual drooling.
• Hives on the skin of your dog’s body, which are very itchy.
• Vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.
• Severe lethargy and fatigue are caused by anemia after your dog’s body has started to metabolize the bile pigment found in turmeric.

If your dog exhibits several of the symptoms mentioned above, you should call your veterinarian immediately and tell them that you suspect your pet is allergic to turmeric.

Is Turmeric the Wonder Food for Dogs?

In my opinion, yes! An integral part of Indian cuisine and medicine for over 4000 years, turmeric is a herb revered as a powerful healer. It has been used to treat everything from skin diseases, wounds, digestive disorders to liver problems, respiratory issues, and arthritis in humans. Studies show even dogs can eat turmeric.

Turmeric has been used for so long that it is even mentioned in the ancient Indian medical treatise – Charaka Samhita. It is said that the herb helped to heal a king who had been injured during a battle.

However, it is important to note that not all dogs will benefit from turmeric. Some animals (including humans) can’t handle it, and you should always speak with your vet before adding anything new to your dog’s diet.

If your pooch does react well to it, you can get creative with the herb! You can try adding turmeric to your dog’s food, using it as a supplement, or even making some delicious and healthy doggie treats! There are so many recipes online that you can try out for your dog. You might even find a new favourite of theirs in your quest.

If you want to try adding turmeric to your dog’s food, you can try a simple recipe that uses organic turmeric powder and vegetables for a start.

Is Turmeric Good for Dogs? Final Thoughts

Turmeric has been said to be one of the most powerful herbs known to man. A little-known fact is that you can also use it to help your dog live a longer, happier life.

Studies have shown turmeric to have anti-inflammatory properties and helps with aches and pains associated with aging joints. It is not only good for dogs but most animals as well. However, it is also a very strong herb and can be harmful to your pet if used in incorrect amounts.

Turmeric supplements have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, but only with proper dosage. If under dosed, it has been linked to severe liver damage! In studies done on dogs with lung cancer, turmeric significantly increased survival times.

In conclusion, turmeric can be good for dogs when used in moderation. The benefits of curcumin are numerous, and it is safe for dogs when used in proper dosages. But, it is very important to use only human-grade turmeric and never use a product that contains a supplement filled with fillers. If used correctly, turmeric can benefit your dog, but you should consult with a holistic veterinarian before adding this powerful herb into your pet’s diet.

PS – For more French Bulldog health information check this out.

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