“My puppy shouldn’t be alone.”
French Bulldog puppies are a bundle of joy for their human families. However, along with the initial excitement of bringing home one puppy is the lingering feeling that we should have brought along at least one of his siblings.
Before rushing back to the breeder and bringing home another puppy, however, carefully consider some of the issues associated with owning sibling pups.
Experienced owners know very well how much effort is required to care for one puppy dog. French Bulldogs are great, but demand a large time commitment, and lots of love and attention. Not surprisingly, two puppies will require double the effort and force you to be twice as responsible with your duties. Hence, your access to resources and willingness to act must remain strong at all times.
Do you want your French Bulldog puppies to bond to you, or each other?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that if two puppies are brought up together, they will naturally identify more with each other than their human family. This may affect their willingness to be trained, thus lowering their desire to satisfy their masters.
Never underestimate the “pack” nature of dogs – especially two little puppies! Like wolves and coyotes in the wilderness, domesticated dogs retain the potential for resisting human influence. Needless to say, this may cause grave control problems within your household, not to mention among the puppy duo itself. The dogs may compete for primary (“alpha”) status and develop aggressiveness that was previously suppressed or undetected at the breeder’s kennel.
Be wary of overly aggressive salesmanship from your breeder.
Regardless of their professionalism and skill, these people are businesspeople at heart. If they refuse to discuss the particularities of sibling dog ownership, consider looking for another kennel.
We should not downplay the benefits of siblings playing together and keeping each other company in a new home. However, there are other options than bringing in two sibling puppies at once. For example, consider raising one French Bulldog to adulthood, then adopting the second canine once the first dog is house-trained.
Don’t let misconceptions about family bonding within dog litters persuade you to take on a difficult and possibly unsatisfying situation.
After careful consideration, if your mind is set on bringing in a French Bulldog sibling duo, maintain contact with your breeder and a qualified dog trainer. They will be indispensable as you work through situations that require a steady hand and years of practical experience.