French Bulldog Puppies – Everything To Know Before You Start Your Search for a Frenchie

French Bulldog puppies might be the cutest 4-legged creatures on the face of the planet.  With their adorable faces, bat ears, and wiggly little butts they are guaranteed at capturing your heart.   

Traditionally a companion dog, the French Bulldog is personality plus wrapped in a small package. The French Bulldog is perfect for first-time pet parents, and they are often stars when entered in competitive dog shows. This small pup offers loyalty, playfulness, and friendliness to those lucky enough to bring a French Bulldog home.

French Bulldog History

Although the term “French” is a part of the breed’s name, the French Bulldog actually originated in England. They were intended to be a smaller version of the heftier bulldog breed already commonplace there. The “French” part of their moniker came about when the lace workers living around Nottingham decided to move to France and bring their miniature Bulldogs along. Breeding for Frenchie puppies continued in both France and England.

The popularity of the dogs grew out of France and England. Soon, these funny and gregarious dogs had a loyal following in America as well. The French Bulldog first competed in the Westminster Dog Show in 1896.

Today, the French Bulldog is popular worldwide.

French Bulldog Appearance

The French Bulldog typically grows to a height of eleven or twelve inches tall; the weight of the muscular little French Bulldog will average between 24 – 28 pounds at adulthood.

The French Bulldog’s face is unique in that the snout will appear to be rather short. The snout of the Frenchie is described as brachycephalic; this means that the head is broader than other dog breeds, and their snout is shorter than other dog breeds.

While this adds to the adorable looks of the Frenchie, this can also exacerbate some health problems in the breed. We’ll discuss momentarily how you can keep your Frenchie happy and healthy, however.

The French Bulldog typically has short legs that may appear somewhat bowed. Its ears are naturally upright, giving the French Bulldog puppy an alert appearance. The French Bulldog may be any color, but the most common are black, fawn, and white. An all-black Frenchie may have white markings on her coat, and some all-white French Bulldog puppies will have some black markings on their coats.

French Bulldog Puppies – The Many Options To Choose From

There are lots of French Bulldog colors you can choose from and there is no right answer on which one is best.  

Of course price will be a factor in your decision so do your homework and know what you will be getting into with the investment in a French Bulldog puppy.  

French Bulldog Puppy Pictures

Here are some adorable photos of some French Bulldog puppies.  The second photo is actually my little Frenchie Augie when he was only a handful of months old.  

French Bulldog puppies



dog bed frenchie

French Bulldog Puppy Personality

The French Bulldog puppy will already have quite the personality, even when she is a mere eight weeks old and ready to go home with a new family! French Bulldogs are typically very happy dogs that thrive on attention (some would say the Frenchie demands your attention!)

Frenchies make great watch dogs as well; although their small stature won’t normally scare any nefarious individuals away, the French Bulldog will definitely alert you that something is amiss in their territory! Are you ready to find the perfect French Bulldog puppy for sale?

At the same time, you won’t find the French Bulldog barking without reason too often. Frenchies will bark during play, and they may bark for your attention, but you can bet if the French Bulldog barks during other situations, they are alerting you to something.

The French Bulldog loves to play, and they will run and jump during play. However, they may only have short bursts of energy that require a nap afterwards!

French Bulldogs tend to crave the spotlight, but they will accept other dogs or pets (however, they should be socialized early with other pets). They also accept other family members readily; they look at other family members as more attention for themselves!

It is important to know that the French Bulldog can develop separation anxiety from their owners (or family). If you are going to be away from home for many hours each day or be away on trips, the Frenchie might not be a good choice for a pet. The French Bulldog can develop some undesirable behaviors that are a result of separation anxiety, including being destructive.

The Frenchie tends to do well in families with children; again, the more family members for the French Bulldog, the merrier! They are not shy, and they may bark or otherwise alert you should strangers come to your home, but they tend to more investigative of newcomers rather than become aggressive.

Keep in mind that your French Bulldog will have a stubborn streak. This endearing part of their personality can present problems when training your Frenchie. However, patience on your part and routine consistency will serve to get your French Bulldog properly trained and socialized.

French Bulldog Puppy Health

The French Bulldog is a relatively healthy dog, but there are some physical traits of the Frenchie that can be problematic at times.

The French Bulldog has what is called a brachycephalic face (remember we discussed the “flattened” look of his face). The snout of the Frenchie makes her face adorable, but, when one does not take precautions, can be detrimental to her quality of life.

The shortened snout of the French Bulldog can have a calamitous effect on her breathing at times. The French Bulldog MUST live primarily indoors. She must also be kept relatively cool when inside. Let’s take a look at why.

The brachycephalic nose of the French Bulldog can lead to wheezing and difficulty breathing should the Frenchie get too hot. Therefore, it’s important to schedule exercise for cooler parts of the day. If you live in a humid area, you’ll need to take even more precautions as to keeping the Frenchie from getting too hot. (Just as we humans often find it more difficult to breathe when the humidity is high, the French Bulldog may also experience the same issue.)

It is also important to make sure that even indoors your French Bulldog does not become overexerted. You’ll need to give your Frenchie breaks during play time to prevent this.

The brachycephalic nature of the French Bulldog can also add to their propensity for drooling and a tendency to be rather flatulent.

Overall the French Bulldog is a healthy breed; however, you’ll definitely want to keep them indoors most of the time. They should be exercised outdoors in the cool of the morning or late in the evening so as to prevent overheating. Any drooling can be controlled with baby wipes (also good for the Frenchie’s skin); if they are a bit on the flatuent side, you can consult with your vet about any changes to diet that might help the situation.

There are some health issues that French Bulldogs may be born with, and you may not realize until later in life they are affected. However, much of this can be avoided by asking the breeder about some genetic testing to ensure your dog’s family history is healthy.

Some French Bulldogs are prone to a condition known as hip dysplasia. This is a genetic condition in which the dog’s femur does not fit into the socket of the hip properly. Many dogs with the condition will often show no signs of the condition; you may notice her “giving” on that leg, or she may never give any indication something is wrong. Arthritis often develops as a result, and this can greatly affect the quality of life of your Frenchie. However, you can ask your breeder if he or she has carried out genetic testing to ensure both parents are not affected by this condition. This is referred to as “OFA Certification.”

We’ve discussed at length the idea that the Frenchie is a brachycephalic dog; however, this in itself is not a health issue as long as you take precautions to keep your French Bulldog from becoming overexerted or too hot. Yet, there is a condition referred to as Brachycephalic Syndrome which can be detrimental to your dog’s health. If you notice that your Frenchie has a lot of difficulty with snorting, breathing when he isn’t excited or hot, or appears to gag, then take your pup in for a vet visit. He may have to have a procedure done that widens the nostrils.

Some French Bulldogs also develop allergies. All dogs can develop allergies, and they are typically food-based, reactions to the environment, or airborne allergies. You’ll notice a food-based allergy when you see your dog scratching or biting at her skin so that the hair has begun to come out. This can easily be fixed by changing her food. Reactions to the environment can take place when your dog reacts to bedding, the chemicals in flea or tick repellent, or even dog shampoos. If you notice the dog scratching and a change in diet does not alleviate her symptoms, she may have a reaction to something in her environment. Finally, airborne allergies in dogs affect them much the way they do humans. You may need to visit the vet for the proper medication to get her some relief.

Other health issues that have been known to affect French Bulldogs include Patellar Luxation, Hemivertebrae, Intervertebral Disc Disease, Van Willebrand’s Disease, and a Cleft Palate. Each of these issues can be a part of the aforementioned genetic testing you should request from a breeder. You can ask for OFA certification or you can mention health clearances. Either way, you can be confident the French Bulldog puppies for sale at a particular breeder’s facility will be relatively healthy.

French Bulldog Puppies Grooming and Care

The French Bulldog typically does not require much in the way of exercise. Fifteen minutes of brisk walking twice a day is typically all the physical movement the Frenchie requires. Also, you can give your pup multiple mini-play sessions throughout the day to deliver all the exercise he could possibly need.

Any time you take the Frenchie out for a walk or even simply play inside your home, make sure you provide ample water breaks for your pup. Unlike dogs with a traditional snout, the Frenchie can get shortwinded quickly. Providing water breaks allows her to settle down for a few minutes and to cool off before the next playtime begins.

The French Bulldog does not require much in the way of grooming. You’ll likely bathe him as needed, once every six to eight weeks. Let’s discuss dog shampoos briefly. We’ve already established that the Frenchie is prone to allergies. It’s very important that you choose a truly natural shampoo for your pup. This will be a watery, clear or a very light yellow shampoo; it also won’t have much in the way of fragrance. Shampoos that are pink, blue, or some other unnatural color with a heavy fragrance are NOT natural, and they can cause your fur baby to break out and itch. Avoid these at all cost!

Brushing your Frenchie weekly should remove any dirt and debris from her coat, and it will encourage her skin to produce the natural oils that will make her coat so shiny. You’ll also want to maintain dental health for your French Bulldog; brush her teeth daily and look for dental issues such as crowded teeth. Once a week, clean your dog’s ears with a damp washcloth.

French Bulldog Puppy Training

The Frenchie can be stubborn at times, but, overall, she will want to please you. Look to reward her good behavior rather than correct bad behavior. Provide treats when she accomplishes a goal. You may have to be creative and “think outside the box” when it comes to training the headstrong French Bulldog! One expert suggested making training seem like a game to the French Bulldog. Not only will you encourage her curiosity, but she’ll want to learn when she thinks it’s part of play time.

Persistence is key when training a French Bulldog. They may take a little longer than other breeds to house break. One suggestion is to take the Frenchie out after every meal and when she wakes from a nap. However, it is very important that your Frenchie puppy has completed all vaccinations, especially the one for parvovirus. If she hasn’t completed vaccinations, you may need to incorporate puppy pads in training the Frenchie.

It’s also a great idea to crate train the French Bulldog. Crate training can assist you in house breaking the Frenchie, and, if you ever plan to take your Frenchie on trips (or even to the vet), you’ll need to have her accustomed to being in a carrier or crate. (NOTE: The Frenchie can experience breathing problems if he gets overly stressed, and putting him in a crate when he’s not used to can cause stress.)

Another great reason to crate train your French Bulldog puppy, if you have to be away from home for work, you’re going to want your puppy to be comfortable in her crate. French Bulldogs do not like to be left alone for very long, but, when work calls, we must go. For many dogs, spending time in a crate is actually a measure of security. They learn to accept the crate as “their” space, a place where food, water, and some favorite toys (along with a favorite blanket) await. When you’re away, they can go to the crate and feel safe.

Many times when dogs experience separation anxiety, they become destructive. They may tear up furniture, garbage, or even shoes! When you crate your French Bulldog during your working hours, then tend to remain much more calm than if they were allowed the run of the house. When they are properly crate trained, they’ll nap and snack or even play with their favorite chew toys until you arrive back home.

What Else Should I Know About the French Bulldog Puppies?

Although there are some things that you must understand regarding the health and care of the French Bulldog, you should know that these little firecrackers are some of the most loyal and loving pups. They do have an electric personality, but they love just as much as they play. They may experience separation anxiety, but, if you crate train the dog, they will be just fine while you are out running errands or at work. They may have some health issues, but if you ask for proof of genetic testing, you can rest assured you’re getting a healthy puppy. They may be stubborn, but they tend to learn how to behave if you can make the training a game for them.

What Should I Look for in a French Bulldog Breeder?

French Bulldog breeders exist all across the world; however, you might have to utilize the Internet or travel to find a reputable breeder. What do I mean by “reputable breeder?” These are breeders who do not breed simply to make money. No, they are interested in the betterment of the breed; therefore, they breed healthy dogs with positive personality traits that they wish to see in future pups. However, you may have to do an internet search for Frenchie puppies or French Bulldog puppy for sale.

If you’re able, you’ll want to go visit the breeder’s facilities. If the place is clean and the dogs seem happy, you can be confident this is a reputable breeder. Ask to meet the parents of your possible pup. If they seem happy and are willing to interact with you, this is another sign of a reputable breeder. Stay away from breeders who will not allow you to come visit their facilities.

Be sure to ask the breeder for OFA tests as well as proof of other genetic testing.  Here are some other tips on finding a quality French Bulldog breeder near you.

Finally, trust your instincts. If you feel that the breeder is in it for the right reasons, you’re likely going to get a quality puppy.

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